Top 5 Myths and Misconceptions on E-CollarsEverything You Need to KnowLet’s face it, owning a dog is fantastic— it’s basically one of the best decisions you can make in life. But at the same time, you should be aware that it may not always be fun and games. Besides being expensive, messy and energetic, some dogs can turn out to be incredibly stubborn and difficult to train. This is precisely why there are quite a number of pet products on the market that can literally save you from going nuts! E-collars (also known as electronic training collars) can be real lifesavers! But hey, the big question here is, what have you been hearing about them? Well, if you’re like many dog owners out there, chances are you’ve come across a boatload of comments from people or even so-called dog professionals that e-collars are cruel, dangerous, or harmful to dogs. And of course, you’re probably trying to figure out if what you’ve heard is true or not. Well, first off, those are just myths and misconceptions — e-collars are not dangerous or harmful to dogs. As a matter of fact, these systems are used by some of the most ethical and compassionate dog trainers in the world. And yes, they’ve never failed to get the job done! Below we are going to address these widespread myths, debunk them and of course, reassure you about your pet’s safety. Sounds good? Let’s dive right into the Top 5 myths on e-collars ![]() E-Collars Burn / Hurt your Dog's NeckBurns are caused by heat and e-collars don’t generate heat, so in a nutshell; e-collars won't burn your dogs’ neck. Proper fit of the collar is important because a loose collar may cause inconsistent performance but a collar worn for too long or too tight on the dog's neck may cause skin irritation. Avoid leaving the collar on the dog for more than 12 hours per day. Dogs are Shocked RepeatedlyEver heard anything like this? Yes? No? Well, whichever the case may be, it's a myth! The term “shock collar” is now a misnomer and is used by opponents for emotive purposes. E-collars deliver "mild" electronic simulation (ES) not electric shock. Electronic Stimulation is the artificial stimulation of a living tissue by means of an electric field or current (IEC). The ES delivered by modern e-collars is Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), which artificially stimulates nerves and sensory receptors. TENS has no harmful consequences and is often used to manage chronic pain in humans. Modern electronic collars offer a choice of different forms of stimuli - vibration, sonic and precision timed electronic simulation. Once a dog has received the correction a few times all that is needed from then on is a vibration to get there attention. Vets are Against the use of E-collarsThis is a myth that has a lot to do with popular opinion. It's basically a situation where you frown at the idea of using e-collars because a friend or colleague emphasized that veterinarian’s advice against using them. Well, first off, it's only normal to let their advice sink in (especially if it came from more than one person). But one thing you should know is that many professional veterinarians actually recommend e-collars for putting your pet's behavior in check. Still in doubt? Well, just ask or discuss with your veterinarian before getting one. ![]() E-collars Ruin your Relationship with your DogThis is yet another myth that needs to be busted. E-collars can't possibly destroy your relationship with your furry friend. On the contrary, it's going to create a stronger bond between you two. The thing is, dogs generally appreciate a strong leader, so using an e-collar (especially when combined with treats) to correct their behavior can turn out to be an excellent idea. E-collars are only Meant for Hunting DogsE-collars are actually great for all dog breeds including noisy Chihuahuas and nosy beagles! It doesn't have to be restricted to hunting dogs. Remember, these collars are designed to shape your pet's skills and behavior even if you're not anywhere near him. So no, they're not limited to hunting dogs! And that's it! Top 5 myths on E-collars debunked!Hopefully, at this point, you are convinced that these systems are not cruel, dangerous or harmful to your pet. They're just super effective when it comes to training your dog and correcting bad behavior. When used correctly, this fantastic training tool will make life safer for your dog, give you more control and peace of mind, and them more freedom. In no time when you produce an e-collar, your dogs tail will wag in delight as it means a walk or adventure! ![]() |